
Ethereum: How to access market price from Python

The cryptocurrency trading world can be huge, especially for those who are new to it. One of the main information that the trader can give the edge is the market price of the Ethereum. However, many platforms, including popular exchanges and APIs, do not direct this data. In such cases, the use of Python becomes a real option.

In this article, we will explore how to access the Ethereum market price, past history, volume and other relevant information using Python.

Why use Python?

Ethereum: How to access market price from Python?

Python is a great choice to access cryptocurrency markets because they have wide libraries and tools for automation and data analysis. Here are some reasons why you might want to use Python:

* Easy use

: Python is a simple syntax that makes it easy to learn and use even for those with limited programming experience.

* Wide Library : Python standard library includes a variety of modules and packages that can help you work with data, such as panda data for manipulation and numeric calculations.

* Automation : You can automate many tasks using Python, including downloading data from the API and sending notifications.

Access to the Ethereum Market price

To access the Ethereum market price, we will use a “request” library to send a request for receipt to the cryptocurrency Stock Exchange API. We will also use the Panda Library for data manipulation.

Here are some code samples:


Import requests

Def Get_market_price (Exchange_url):

Answer = Request.get (F "{Exchange_url}/API/V1/Price")


Exchange_url = "

Market_price = Get_market_price (Exchange_url)

Print (Market_price ["Status"])

In this example, we submit a request to Kraken API with an exchange URL and a symbol (`). The "Get_ Market_Price" function returns JSON's response to market price.

Access to past history

To access the price of Ethereum for the past history, we can use the same approach as before. We will modify our previous code to obtain data fromKraken API.

Here are some code samples:


Import requests

Def Get_Past_History (Exchange_url):

Answer = Request.get (F "{Exchange_url}/API/V1/OHLCV")


Exchange_url = "

Past_history = Get_Past_history (Exchange_url)

Print (Past_istory)

In this example, we submit a request to Kraken API with an exchange URL and a symbol (`). Theget_past_historyreturns JSON's response containing the previous Ethereum price history.

Access to sow

We can use the same approach as before to access the volume of Ethereum's transactions. We will modify our previous code to obtain data fromKraken API.

Here are some code samples:


Import requests

Def Get_Volume (Exchange_url):

Answer = Request.get (F "{Exchange_url}/API/V1/Deals")


Exchange_url = "

Volume = Get_Volume (Exchange_url)

Print (volume)

In this example, we submit a request to Kraken API with an exchange URL and a symbol (“). The “Get_Volume” function returns JSON’s response containing the volume of Ethereum transactions in the blockchain.


With Python and popular libraries, such as “requests” and “pandas”, it is possible to access the Ethereum market price, past history and volume from various cryptocurrency stock exchanges. While this may not be a comprehensive solution, it can certainly provide a starting point for further data research and analysis.

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