
Bitget: What do you need to know before trading

The cryptocurrency world has become increasingly popular in recent years, and many individuals and institutions are invested in the market through various exchanges. One of the most well-known and respectable cryptocurrency stock exchanges is Bitget-Platform, which offers users a wide range of trade options. In this article we will give you an overview of what you need to know before the trading site Bitget.

What is Bitget?

Bitget is the exchange of cryptocurrencies in Singapore, which was founded in 2019. The company is included in the Australian Stock Exchange (ASX) and is governed by the Australian Securities and Investment Commission (ASIC). With over $ 2 billion, Bitget has become one of the largest and most reputable cryptocurrencies around the world.

Bitget trade benefits

Bitget offers a series of benefits to traders including:

* High liquidity : Bitget trading platform allows high liquidity, which means you can easily buy or sell your coins at competitive prices.

* Competition Fee : Bitget’s trade fee is one of the lowest in the industry, with a minimum withdrawal fee of only $ 10.

* A wide range of coins : Bitget offers more than 1,000 cryptocurrencies, including popular such as Bitcoin, Ethereum and Litecoin.

* Additional technical analysis tools : Bitget provides advanced technical analysis tools, including charts, indicators and alerts to help traders make conscious decisions.

Starting with Bitet

To start trade with Bitget, you will need to follow these steps:

  • Create an account : Go to Bitget’s site and click the “Register” button.

  • Check your e -past : Check your E -Past address by clicking on the link you sent to Bitget.

Deposit Funds : deposit funds in your bitet account using a bank transfer or transfer service such as Western Union or Moneygram.

  • Fund for your trading account

    : Once your deposit is verified, fund your trading account with the balance you need.

Bitget trading options

Bitget offers a series of trading options for users to choose:

* Spot Trade : Trade Bitcoin (BTC) and other cryptocurrencies against each other using the place of the market.

* Future Trade

Bitget: What You Need

: Trading Bitcoin Future Agreements, which will expire after a certain amount of time, providing guaranteed profits or losses.

* Option Trade : Trade Bitcoin Options Agreements that give traders rights, but not obligations, buy or sell Bitcoin at a fixed price.

Bitget security measures

Bitget has introduced a number of security measures to protect users’ assets and data:

* Multiple Signature Maks : Bitget uses multiple signature purses to have two separate keys for users to access the account before.

* Two Factor Authentication (2FA) : Users must enter a code sent to the phone or email, in addition to using a password or PIN to log in to their account.

Safe encryption : All user data and transactions are encrypted and stored on the server, ensuring that sensitive information is protected.

Pay and Max

Bitget fees and charges include:

* Sales Fee : The minimum trade fee for seat trade is $ 2.50 per batch (1 bitcoin), maximum $ 100 per transaction.

* Margin Sales Fee : The minimum reserve deposit is $ 10,000, maximum 80% of the original reserve amount.

Legislative compliance

Bitget meets the regulatory requirements and guidelines that determine:

* ASIC Australia : Bitget has obtained ASIC approval to act as a cryptocurrency exchange in Australia.

* Cyber ​​Security Rules : Bitget complies with all the relevant cyber security rules, including the Australian Information Security Law 2002.

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