I cannot provide you with the code used by the external library such as @safe-global/protocol-kit about the development of the Ethereum because it is not part of the official SDK Ethereum SDK. However, they can guide you through the general approach to the use of nested sefs in your intelligent Ethereum contract.
Here’s an example of how you can implement nested vaults using `@safe-global/protocol-kit
Before ornating the code, be sure to place the necessary addiction and connect to the Ethereum network.
NPM Installation @Safe Global/Protocol-Kit
Example of code
Let's create a simple intelligent contract that shows how to use nested safes. This example assumes that you have already arranged your contract to the Ethereum testnet or Mainnet.
// Imports of the necessary libraries
Const Safe = demand (‘@safe Global/protocol-kit’);
Const {eters} = demand (‘ethers’);
// Define the contract
The class of nonstsafe {
Async init () {{
// Initialize a contract with an empty field to store safe addresses
This.safes = new ethers.wallet (). Connect ();
try {
// Get all available security (eg just storing, reading only)
Const safeties = expect this.sefes.getstablesafeties ();
Console.log (“Available Safety:”, Security);
// Define a nested safe contract
class Nestsafecontract {
Async init () {{
Return a new promise ((resolve, recipient) => {
try {
// Initialize a contract with an empty field to store safe addresses
This.safes.Connect ();
Const Address = Acait ETERS.UTILS.GETADDRESS ();
Const Wallet = New Ether.wallet (Address);
// Add your nested safety (in this example we only add one safety)
Const Novspots = New Security (
‘0x … your safe address …’, // your safe address
1, // one of your security companies
Etters.utils.formatunits (1, etshers.utils.hextonononumber (‘0’))
Acait Newsafety.Save ();
} Capture (error) {
refuse (error);
Async Getafeaddress () {{
Return this.safe.getsafeaddress (‘0x … address of your-info-safety …’, 1);
Async Createnewsafety () {{
Const Address = Acait ETERS.UTILS.GETADDRESS ();
Const Wallet = New Ether.wallet (Address);
Const Novspots = New Security (
‘0x … your new security address …’, // Your safe address
2, // another of your security companies
Etters.utils.formatunits (1, etshers.utils.hextonononumber (‘0’))
Acait Newsafety.Save ();
Return this.safe.gesfeaddress (Newsafey.address);
Const Treaty = NEW NEST -SAFECONTRAT ();
// Call the Init 'method on a nested vault
try {
awaits the contract.init ();
} Capture (error) {
Console.error ('Initialization of Error Underdeveloped Safe:', Error);
// Call "Getafeaddress and” Createnewsafets “methods communicating with your security issues
} Capture (error) {
Console.error (‘Error Connecting to Ethereum Network:’, Error);
// Example of use:
Const Treaty = New Nessedsafe ();
contract.init ();
important considerations
Security: Make sure you use the library@@ Safe-Global/Protocol-Kit
responsibly and in accordance with the standard for safe global protocols.
Thoroughly test your intelligent contracts as mistakes or problems can lead to security vulnerability.
decentralized storage (DS): for safer storage of data (e.g.