
Creating a RAW event with Bitcoin Core V0.10.0 using Windows 7 x64


As a programmer or hobbyist working with the Bitcoin network, creating RAW events is an essential part of understanding and experimenting with different protocol aspects. In this article, we will lead the RAW event using Bitcoin Core V0.10.0 with Windows 7 x64 using the Txindex = 1 option.


Make sure before you continue, it:

  • You installed Bitcoin Core V0.10.0.

  • Bitcoin’s basic concepts and its transaction (eg “raw racetrack”, tx) are known to you.

  • Your system meets minimal loan requirements: Windows 7 x64, 4 GB RAM and compatible graphics card.

Instructions step by step

  • Start Bitcoin Core : Open the text editor or command line you want and go to Bitcoin Core (usually C: \ Program Files \ Bitcoin \ Bin 'in Windows 7 x64). Jogging:

Bitcoin-Core aid

This is seen by Bitcoin Core Call Coach, which contains information about creating raw events.

2 jogging:

Bitcoin core txindex = 1 kreatrawtransation

This triggers the "Createrawransation" tool.

  • List of Event Parameters : Write the desired event parameters in the "Createrawtransaity" dialog box:

  • "Fromdress: Type a valid Bitcoin address (eg” Abcdef1234567890Abcdef).

  • Toaddresses: List the address of many events (eg.

  • NUMBER ': Enter the amount of crippo currency to be moved (eg -10to send 10 BTCs ABC123 NADEF456).


  • Save and Check : Save the created file with RAW events (eg tx0001.bin) in your choice. You can check that the event is created correctly by comparing it with the expected departure of the useful “raw” Bitcoin core:


Bitcoin core txindex = 1 getwransation TX0001

This should show information about untreated events.

tips and variations

  • Create a unique event at many addresses (ie not individual addresses) using the-moption to create a RAW event. For example:Bitcoin -Core –txindex = 1 kreatrawtransation -m …`.

  • If you encounter problems during the creation procedure or during the output check, see the documentation of the Bitcoin core and the Createrawtranasation tool menu.

As a result of these steps, you should be able to successfully create a RAW event using Bitcoin Core V0.10.0 Windows 7 x64 Txindex = 1. Good experiment!

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